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Nuestros Programas

Why Montessori?

The Montessori Method is a time-tested and child-centered educational model.  We believe that all people learn best when they are motivated and excited by their work.  We strive to provide an environment where children feel happy, safe, and inspired to learn.


Watch this quick video about how Montessori differs from traditional educational models.


What makes a Montessori classroom different?

There are many elements that make a Montessori classroom different from other preschool programs. One of the most noticeable is the mixed-age grouping.   Our classroom supports children from ages three to six, which allows children of various ages to work together. Montessori guides carefully prepare the classroom to engage children while also respecting each child’s agency to choose the work that calls to them.  


Montessori also prioritizes the development of the whole child.  This means that we focus on working together as a community and finding peaceful, positive resolutions to conflict. Our whole-child approach supports social-emotional development, which encourages well-being and positively impacts outcomes for years to come.  In short, this sets children up to be happy, engaged, and caring members of their community - today and in the future.


You can read more about the many benefits of this approach here.  


What is a three year cycle?

Montessori classrooms are mixed-age meaning that children from three to six will be interacting with each other daily. Ideally, children are able to enter into the classroom around the age of three and stay with us for three consecutive years. When they are young, the children are helped and even taught by the older children. When they are the classroom “elders” they help to set the tone and expectations in our classroom community.  Through this process, older students solidify their own learning and feel a sense of agency and accomplishment as they become the "leaders" of the classroom they entered as young students. 


As teachers, we love that the three year cycle allows us to gain a deep understanding of each child and family.  Not only does this allow us to tailor our environment to serve our students, it also builds a strong and caring classroom community.  


Can I afford Montessori?

Our vision for Hollyhock is to provide an authentic, high-quality Montessori environment that is accessible to children from a wide range of families and financial situations.  We employ an individualized tuition structure to suit families with differing needs, and we also accept EFA vouchers and state subsidies (CCAP).  


We also know that early childhood education is important, and we believe that Montessori is an investment in your child’s future. Numerous studies have shown the long-lasting benefits of an authentic Montessori education in early childhood. You can read more about these studies here.


Why the name Hollyhock?

Hollyhocks are a symbol of transformation and rebirth. :) They grow over a period of two to three years, and spend their first season quietly forming the roots that support those impressive stalks and gorgeous blooms. And when the cycle is over, they reseed and begin (again) at the beginning.  


This reminds us of a favorite quote by Dr. Montessori - “Development is a series of rebirths.”  


Want to learn more about Wildflower’s origins?

Watch this TedTalk by Sep Kamvar about why he founded Wildflower and the benefits of small schools educating children in a nurturing environment.

El niño que ha sentido un fuerte amor por su entorno y por todas las criaturas vivientes, que ha descubierto la alegría y el entusiasmo en el trabajo, nos da motivos para esperar que la humanidad pueda desarrollarse en una nueva dirección.


- Dra. María Montessori

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